ClayLinks® Baking Kit
IMPORTANT: The oven in this kit has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Due to the abundant options of craft and toaster ovens on the market, we have decided not to carry an oven or other baking accessories at this time. When looking for an oven to use to bake ClayPaws clay, we recommend not using one that has a microwave setting built in, as it is very important NOT to microwave our clay to cure it. Instead, choose a craft or toaster oven that can bake at 275°F with an automatic shut off timer so you can set the timer to 20 minutes and then have it automatically shut off.
Please still use a separate oven thermometer as all toaster and craft ovens are notorious for not having very accurate internal thermometers.
What Customers Say
During my follow-up phone calls, families continually thank us for the molds. They are cherished memories.