Heart TouchStones
Our NEW Heart TouchStones can be held, touched, rubbed, or carried in a pocket as tangible reminders of healing and comfort. These stones are available individually or in packs of five. They are a small but meaningful token for families experiencing a loss. They can also be used as a self-care tool for yourself or gift for your team. Consider handing these out to your team as a symbol of your commitment to their mental and emotional wellness.
Heart TouchStones are currently available in Green Aventurine and are about 40mm in size.
For many people, stones are imbued with symbolic qualities. When one is given a stone, it is believed that those qualities are also given to them. Below you’ll find the symbolic gifts of our TouchStones.
- Green Aventurine promotes calm, comfort, and protection of the heart.
Please Note: The qualities and comforting properties described for each Heart TouchStone have been collected from various sources and are offered as an informational service. Heart TouchStones are not meant to treat medical, psychological or emotional conditions and should not be used as replacements for medications or treatments recommended by healthcare professionals. CaringWisdom and World by the Tail, Inc., do not guarantee the validity of these statements.
See below for pricing and other information.
Note: Clicking the ADD TO CART button takes you to an external cart for the quantity and payment information.
What Customers Say
When I told the mother of a young man who died suddenly that the funeral home could make a clay impression of her son’s hand, her face brightened for the first time during our conversation. ‘Oh, let me tell you the story his hand will tell,’ she smiled. ‘Some callouses and maybe even some dirt from the work he did will show up in the clay. And all of that will be okay because it’s who he was and I want to remember that forever.’
Just the prospect of having this personalized memento of her son took this mother out of her intense pain for a moment and brought her comfort. I can’t say enough about their power to heal.
And, every time I use your clay to make a handprint, I’m reminded of how superior it is to other clays I’ve used. And, I’ve tried a lot of clays! Your entire print-making system is quick and easy to use and the prints truly do last forever. It’s also easy to teach others. In fact, most staff members at the hospitals and funeral homes I work with feel comfortable making prints themselves after only one demonstration.