ClayLinks® Circle Molds with Patty Pads
Please knead our ClayLinks Clay and then form it into a patty before making a print.
Lay the Patty Pad flat on a clipboard, counter top or table and you’ll have the perfect surface for print-making. Knead the clay, place it between the covers of the Patty Pad and press. Wipe clean and use again.
Use the Circle Molds to make your patties into perfect shapes. Use the Maroon Circle Mold (4″) with one clay patty for most babies, the Large Green Circle Mold (5.5″) with two patties for most children. Now available in a Small Clear Mold (2.75″) for use with 1/2 a clay patty for preemies or very small babies.
For larger prints, try our Oval Molds.
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What Customers Say
During my follow-up phone calls, families continually thank us for the molds. They are cherished memories.