ClayLinks have taken the stress out of memory work for our child life team. The patties are easy for staff and family members to use, and they create a beautiful keepsake every time. I love that ClayLinks has options that can be adapted for various patient needs, allowing us to create incredibly individualized products and always put the patient’s safety and comfort first.
I know if other funeral homes decide to offer these handprints for grieving families, they’ll see how meaningful they are. The emotional impact they have is huge! When you watch a parent or sibling trace the imprint of their loved one’s fingers and palm, you can see the comfort they bring. I lost my own father two years ago and, if I had his handprint to hold on to now, it would mean everything in the world to me.
During my follow-up phone calls, families continually thank us for the molds. They are cherished memories.
The final product is professional looking.
CaringWisdom’s ClayLinks prints are a fresh idea in funeral service. The process of helping a family create an impression of a loved one’s hand is a healing experience, resulting in a one of a kind, lasting and meaningful memento to be kept forever. In this era of increasingly private funeral ceremonies, or even non-existent ceremonies, a family’s participation in the creation of this memento is especially heartfelt and important. And, as an added plus, our companioning a family and assisting in this hands-on process has also been very fulfilling to our staff.
When I told the mother of a young man who died suddenly that the funeral home could make a clay impression of her son’s hand, her face brightened for the first time during our conversation. ‘Oh, let me tell you the story his hand will tell,’ she smiled. ‘Some callouses and maybe even some dirt from the work he did will show up in the clay. And all of that will be okay because it’s who he was and I want to remember that forever.’
Just the prospect of having this personalized memento of her son took this mother out of her intense pain for a moment and brought her comfort. I can’t say enough about their power to heal.
And, every time I use your clay to make a handprint, I’m reminded of how superior it is to other clays I’ve used. And, I’ve tried a lot of clays! Your entire print-making system is quick and easy to use and the prints truly do last forever. It’s also easy to teach others. In fact, most staff members at the hospitals and funeral homes I work with feel comfortable making prints themselves after only one demonstration.
The staff overwhelmingly agrees the embellishments and the stamping kit really make the final product very personal and meaningful.
ClayLinks Kits are receiving HIGH praise from staff and families. We have had nothing but positive responses. The staff have been very proud of their finished products and proud to present them to families they have grown so close to. This has NOT always been the case with other products we’ve used. Thank you!
As a funeral director, I want to do all I can to create a moment of peace and comfort in the midst of a family’s grief. Offering families a ClayLinks handprint creates that moment. Making a ClayLinks handprint literally gives families a hand to hold on to while they move through the process of saying good-bye.
Sometimes, I make a print and give it to a family. Other times, families gather together to make a print themselves. Either way, the immediate comfort they receive as they, once again, touch their loved one’s hand is a healing experience that can’t be matched.
Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do providing for families experiencing loss or separation. I so appreciate your sample of ClayLinks Kits for my training. We would love to have you partner with us to present your amazing and caring products for families [to our healthcare staff].
Our NICU Staff is so grateful for your ClayLinks Kits. The tiny foot and hand prints we make for families who lose a precious child offer more comfort than you can imagine. And making these keepsakes takes very little of our time. Thank you for letting us know about your clay and all your heartfelt decorations!
I did not think the staff would like having to bake the molds. The ease of baking has made this a non-issue.
The ease of use is fantastic!
Families cherish any small memento they are given. It is nice to give them an original, beautiful, lasting memory of their baby.
Deciding to cremate a loved one’s body feels so final but, when I suggest we make a clay hand print before the body is cremated, there is almost always a sigh of relief. The print-making process is truly therapeutic, helping families feel they have a little bit of control over a situation that is otherwise uncontrollable.
Furthermore, when a baby died after several weeks in the NICU, I told the charge nurse that I would help the parents make a handprint. Several of the other nurses asked if they could join us and help with the print-making process. They felt that, after caring for this baby for so long, being part of this experience would be healing for them, too. This is a beautiful way to honor a tiny soul who passes all too soon.
We have 2 child life specialists who tried press molds at other hospitals and did not like them at all, but your products have completely changed their minds! They’re now so comfortable and confident with all the ClayLinks products. You and your team are so awesome and you make our jobs way easier!
Part of what I do is make memories for families who are experiencing perinatal and infant loss. The clay links offer endless possibilities with ease of use. They are of shocking heirloom-quality once baked (foolproof directions!) that are stunning in representation of perfect little hands, fingers, toes, and feet. Parents value these precious mementos and are truly comforted to see, hold, reminisce, and share their beloved baby with friends and loved ones.
I LOVED your booth at the AWHONN Convention. I was so inspired by your product!
We have been using ClayLinks Kits in our bereavement memory-making tool kits. It has truly been meaningful to families. The stamps as well as birthstones have added a new level to what we can offer. Our prints have made many family members smile in hard times. ClayLinks prints are also simple enough that when the Child Life staff (who usually do memory making with families) are not around, our other staff members are able to offer these opportunities to families. ClayLinks Kits are quickly turning into one of our favorites.
The feedback on your presence was phenomenal and I have been told that of all the products that are seen at conferences, yours was one that they actually implemented with great results and huge satisfaction.
They are so easy to use.